Posts tagged environment
Scientists warning on Super-Rich: making science go viral

I reported exclusively on a major new paper in Nature Communications demonstrating that that the concentration of wealth is destroying the very conditions for human survival. The new paper by a team of economists titled, ‘Scientists warning on affluence’ at first did not generate much pick-up - until I picked it up via my own crowdfunded platform, INSURGE INTELLIGENCE, bringing it over 100,000 downloads.

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BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT: Failing States, Collapsing Systems - BioPhysical Triggers of Political Violence

My new book which has just been published by the global science publisher, Springer, is called, Failing States, Collapsing Systems: BioPhysical Triggers of Political Violence (2017). 

Published as part of the SpringerBriefs in Energy series, the book is a peer-reviewed scientific monograph on how state failures around the world are being driven by systemic crises driven by interconnected climate, energy, food and economic crises. The series editor is Prof Charles Hall, the founder of the concept of Energy Return on Investment (EROI) which measures the efficiency of an energy system by calculating the quantity of energy used to extract new energy from a particular resource.

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